The King of Fighers '98 UMH


Game Specific Info

Game IDkof98umh
Original ROM
SHA256 Checksumbeb7bdea87137832f5f6d731fd1abd0350c0cd6b6b2d57cab2bedbac24fe8d0a
Search KeywordsThe King Of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match HERO, kof98umh, allmyroms
Game Resolution
(H X W X C)
240px X 320px X 3
Number of Moves and Attack Actions9, 9 (5)
Moves (0-8): No-Move, Left, Left+Up, Up, Up+Right, Right, Right+Down, Down, Down+Left
Attacks (0-8): No-Attack, Weak Punch, Weak Kick, Strong Punch, Strong Kick, Weak Punch + Weak Kick, Strong Punch + Strong Kick, Weak Punch + Weak Kick + Strong Punch + Strong Kick, Weak Punch + Weak Kick + Strong Punch
Max Difficulty (1P Mode)8
Number of Characters (Selectable)45 (43)
Max Number of Outfits4
Number of Stages (1P Mode)7

Specific Episode Settings

Game Settings

KeyTypeDefault Value(s)Value Range
difficultyNone U intNone[1, 8]

Player Settings

KeyTypeDefault Value(s)Value Range
characters*None U str U tuple of maximum three strNoneKyo, Benimaru, Daimon, Terry, Andy, Joe, Ryo, Robert, Yuri, Leona, Ralf, Clark, Athena, Kensou, Chin, Chizuru, Mai, King, Kim, Chang, Choi, Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Mary, Billy, Iori, Mature, Vice, Heidern, Takuma, Saisyu, Heavy-D!, Lucky, Brian, Eiji, Kasumi, Shingo, Rugal, Geese, Krauser, Mr.Big
outfits*int1[1, 4]
Additional Player Settings
KeyTypeDefault Value(s)Value RangeDescription
fighting_style*None U intNone[1, 3]Selects the fighting style.
1: Advanced, 2: Extra, 3: Ultimate
ultimate_style*None U tuple of three intNone[1, 2] X [1, 2] X [1, 2]Selects details about ultimate fighting style for Dash, Evade and Bar features.
1: Advanced, 2: Extra

*: must be provided as tuples of two elements (for agent_0 and agent_1 respectively) when using the environments in two players mode.

Action Spaces

TypeSpace Size (Number of Actions)
Discrete9 (moves) + 9 (attacks) - 1 (no-op counted twice) = 17
MultiDiscrete9 (moves) X 9 (attacks) = 81

Observation Space

Some examples of The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match RAM states


frameBox[0, 255] X [240 X 320 X 3]Latest game frame (RGB pixel screen)
stageBox[1, 7]Current stage of the game
timerBox[0, 60]Round time remaining

Player specific

sideDiscrete (Binary)[0, 1]Side of the stage where the player is
0: Left, 1: Right
winsBox[0, 3]Number of rounds won by the player
character_1Discrete[0, 44]Index of first character slot
0: Kyo, 1: Benimaru, 2: Daimon, 3: Terry, 4: Andy, 5: Joe, 6: Ryo, 7: Robert, 8: Yuri, 9: Leona, 10: Ralf, 11: Clark, 12: Athena, 13: Kensou, 14: Chin, 15: Chizuru, 16: Mai, 17: King, 18: Kim, 19: Chang, 20: Choi, 21: Yashiro, 22: Shermie, 23: Chris, 24: Yamazaki, 25: Mary, 26: Billy, 27: Iori, 28: Mature, 29: Vice, 30: Heidern, 31: Takuma, 32: Saisyu, 33: Heavy-D!, 34: Lucky, 35: Brian, 36: Eiji, 37: Kasumi, 38: Shingo, 39: Rugal, 40: Geese, 41: Krauser, 42: Mr.Big, 43: Goenitz, 44: Orochi
character_2Discrete[0, 44]Index of second character slot
0: Kyo, 1: Benimaru, 2: Daimon, 3: Terry, 4: Andy, 5: Joe, 6: Ryo, 7: Robert, 8: Yuri, 9: Leona, 10: Ralf, 11: Clark, 12: Athena, 13: Kensou, 14: Chin, 15: Chizuru, 16: Mai, 17: King, 18: Kim, 19: Chang, 20: Choi, 21: Yashiro, 22: Shermie, 23: Chris, 24: Yamazaki, 25: Mary, 26: Billy, 27: Iori, 28: Mature, 29: Vice, 30: Heidern, 31: Takuma, 32: Saisyu, 33: Heavy-D!, 34: Lucky, 35: Brian, 36: Eiji, 37: Kasumi, 38: Shingo, 39: Rugal, 40: Geese, 41: Krauser, 42: Mr.Big, 43: Goenitz, 44: Orochi
character_3Discrete[0, 44]Index of third character slot
0: Kyo, 1: Benimaru, 2: Daimon, 3: Terry, 4: Andy, 5: Joe, 6: Ryo, 7: Robert, 8: Yuri, 9: Leona, 10: Ralf, 11: Clark, 12: Athena, 13: Kensou, 14: Chin, 15: Chizuru, 16: Mai, 17: King, 18: Kim, 19: Chang, 20: Choi, 21: Yashiro, 22: Shermie, 23: Chris, 24: Yamazaki, 25: Mary, 26: Billy, 27: Iori, 28: Mature, 29: Vice, 30: Heidern, 31: Takuma, 32: Saisyu, 33: Heavy-D!, 34: Lucky, 35: Brian, 36: Eiji, 37: Kasumi, 38: Shingo, 39: Rugal, 40: Geese, 41: Krauser, 42: Mr.Big, 43: Goenitz, 44: Orochi
characterDiscrete[0, 44]Index of character in use
0: Kyo, 1: Benimaru, 2: Daimon, 3: Terry, 4: Andy, 5: Joe, 6: Ryo, 7: Robert, 8: Yuri, 9: Leona, 10: Ralf, 11: Clark, 12: Athena, 13: Kensou, 14: Chin, 15: Chizuru, 16: Mai, 17: King, 18: Kim, 19: Chang, 20: Choi, 21: Yashiro, 22: Shermie, 23: Chris, 24: Yamazaki, 25: Mary, 26: Billy, 27: Iori, 28: Mature, 29: Vice, 30: Heidern, 31: Takuma, 32: Saisyu, 33: Heavy-D!, 34: Lucky, 35: Brian, 36: Eiji, 37: Kasumi, 38: Shingo, 39: Rugal, 40: Geese, 41: Krauser, 42: Mr.Big, 43: Goenitz, 44: Orochi
healthBox[-1, 119]Health bar value
power_barBox[0, 100]Power bar value
special_attacksBox[0, 5]Number of special attacks available
bar_typeDiscrete[0, 7]Index of bar type
0: Advanced / Ultimate (Dash Advanced, Evade Advanced, Bar Advanced), 1: Extra / Ultimate (Dash Extra, Evade Extra, Bar Extra), 2: Ultimate (Dash Extra, Evade Advanced, Bar Advanced), 3: Ultimate (Dash Advanced, Evade Advanced, Bar Extra), 4: Ultimate (Dash Extra, Evade Advanced, Bar Extra), 5: Ultimate (Dash Advanced, Evade Extra, Bar Advanced), 6: Ultimate (Dash Extra, Evade Extra, Bar Advanced), 7: Ultimate (Dash Advanced, Evade Extra, Bar Extra)