Marvel VS Capcom


Game Specific Info

Game IDmvsc
Original ROM
Requires the QSound_HLE sound driver to be placed in the roms folder. Search keywords: “”, “dl-1425.bin”
SHA256 Checksum6f63627cc37c554f74e8bf07b21730fa7f85511c7d5d07449850be98dde91da8
Search Keywordsmarvel vs capcom clash of super heroes, marvel-vs.-capcom-clash-of-super-heroes-euro-980123, 5511, wowroms
Game Resolution
(H X W X C)
224px X 384px X 3
Number of Moves and Attack Actions9, 19 (7)
Moves (0-8): No-Move, Left, Left+Up, Up, Up+Right, Right, Right+Down, Down, Down+Left
Attacks (0-18): No-Attack, Weak Punch, Medium Punch, Strong Punch, Weak Kick, Medium Kick, Strong Kick, WP+MP, MP+SP, WP+SP, WK+MK, MK+SK, WK+SK, WP+WK, MP+MK, SP+SK, MP+WK, WP+MP+SP, WK+MK+SK
Max Difficulty (1P Mode)8
Number of Characters (Selectable)22 (15)
Max Number of Outfits2
Number of Stages (1P Mode)8

Specific Episode Settings

Game Settings

NameTypeDefault Value(s)Value Range
difficultyNone U intNone[1, 8]

Player Settings

NameTypeDefault Value(s)Value Range
characters*None U str U tuple of maximum three strNoneChun-Li, Ryu, Zangief, Morrigan, Captain Commando, Megaman, Strider Hiryu, Spider Man, Jin, Captain America, Venom, Hulk, Gambit, War Machine, Wolverine
outfits*int1[1, 2]

*: must be provided as tuples of two elements (for agent_0 and agent_1 respectively) when using the environments in two players mode.

Action Spaces

TypeSpace Size (Number of Actions)
Discrete9 (moves) + 19 (attacks) - 1 (no-op counted twice) = 27
MultiDiscrete9 (moves) X 19 (attacks) = 171

Observation Space

Some examples of Marvel VS Capcom RAM states


KeyTypeValue RangeDescription
frameBox[0, 255] X [224 X 384 X 3]Latest game frame (RGB pixel screen)
stageBox[1, 8]Current stage of the game
timerBox[0, 99]Round time remaining

Player specific

KeyTypeValue RangeDescription
sideDiscrete (Binary)[0, 1]Side of the stage where the player is
0: Left, 1: Right
winsBox[0, 1]Number of rounds won by the player
character_1Discrete[0, 21]Index of first character slot
0: Chun-Li, 1: Ryu, 2: Zangief, 3: Morrigan, 4: Captain Commando, 5: Megaman, 6: Strider Hiryu, 7: Spider Man, 8: Jin, 9: Captain America, 10: Venom, 11: Hulk, 12: Gambit, 13: War Machine, 14: Wolverine, 15: Roll, 16: Onslaught, 17: Alt-Venom, 18: Alt-Hulk, 19: Alt-War Machine, 20: Shadow Lady, 21: Alt-Morrigan
character_2Discrete[0, 21]Index of second character slot
0: Chun-Li, 1: Ryu, 2: Zangief, 3: Morrigan, 4: Captain Commando, 5: Megaman, 6: Strider Hiryu, 7: Spider Man, 8: Jin, 9: Captain America, 10: Venom, 11: Hulk, 12: Gambit, 13: War Machine, 14: Wolverine, 15: Roll, 16: Onslaught, 17: Alt-Venom, 18: Alt-Hulk, 19: Alt-War Machine, 20: Shadow Lady, 21: Alt-Morrigan
characterDiscrete[0, 21]Index of character in use
0: Chun-Li, 1: Ryu, 2: Zangief, 3: Morrigan, 4: Captain Commando, 5: Megaman, 6: Strider Hiryu, 7: Spider Man, 8: Jin, 9: Captain America, 10: Venom, 11: Hulk, 12: Gambit, 13: War Machine, 14: Wolverine, 15: Roll, 16: Onslaught, 17: Alt-Venom, 18: Alt-Hulk, 19: Alt-War Machine, 20: Shadow Lady, 21: Alt-Morrigan
health_1Box[0, 144]Health bar value for first character in use
health_2Box[0, 144]Health bar value for second character in use
active_characterDiscrete (Binary)[0, 1]Index of the active character
1: first, 0: second
super_barBox[0, 144]Super bar value
super_countBox[0, 3]Count of activated super moves
partnerDiscrete[0, 21]Index of character in use
0: Lou, 1: Juggernaut, 2: Magneto, 3: Psylocke, 4: Cyclops, 5: Colossus, 6: Unknown Soldier, 7: Ton Pooh, 8: Arthur, 9: Saki, 10: Miechele Heart, 11: Thor, 12: Storm, 13: Rogue, 14: Iceman, 15: Pure&Fur, 16: US Agent, 17: Anita, 18: Devilot, 19: Jubilee, 20: Shadow, 21: Sentinel
partner_attacksBox[0, 9]Count of available partner attacks