This example focuses on:
A dedicated section describing environment wrappers settings is presented here.
import diambra.arena
from diambra.arena import SpaceTypes, EnvironmentSettings, WrappersSettings
def main():
# Environment settings
settings = EnvironmentSettings()
settings.action_space = SpaceTypes.MULTI_DISCRETE
# Gym wrappers settings
wrappers_settings = WrappersSettings()
### Generic wrappers
# Number of no-Op actions to be executed
# at the beginning of the episode (0 by default)
wrappers_settings.no_op_max = 0
# Number of steps for which the same action should be sent (1 by default)
wrappers_settings.repeat_action = 1
### Reward wrappers
# Wrapper option for reward normalization
# When activated, the reward normalization factor can be set (default = 0.5)
# The normalization is performed by dividing the reward value
# by the product of the factor times the value of the full health bar
# reward = reward / (C * fullHealthBarValue)
wrappers_settings.normalize_reward = True
wrappers_settings.normalization_factor = 0.5
# If to clip rewards (False by default)
wrappers_settings.clip_reward = False
### Action space wrapper(s)
# Limit the action space to single attack buttons, removing attack buttons combinations (False by default)
wrappers_settings.no_attack_buttons_combinations = False
### Observation space wrapper(s)
# Frame resize operation spec (deactivated by default)
# WARNING: for speedup, avoid frame warping wrappers,
# use environment's native frame wrapping through
# "frame_shape" setting (see documentation for details).
wrappers_settings.frame_shape = (128, 128, 1)
# Number of frames to be stacked together (1 by default)
wrappers_settings.stack_frames = 4
# Frames interval when stacking (1 by default)
wrappers_settings.dilation = 1
# Add last action to observation (False by default)
wrappers_settings.add_last_action = True
# How many past actions to stack together (1 by default)
# NOTE: needs "add_last_action_to_observation" wrapper to be active
wrappers_settings.stack_actions = 6
# If to scale observation numerical values (False by default)
# optionally exclude images from normalization (False by default)
# and optionally perform one-hot encoding also on discrete binary variables (False by default)
wrappers_settings.scale = True
wrappers_settings.exclude_image_scaling = True
wrappers_settings.process_discrete_binary = False
# If to make the observation relative to the agent as a function to its role (P1 or P2) (deactivate by default)
# i.e.:
# - In 1P environments, if the agent is P1 then the observation "P1" nesting level becomes "own" and "P2" becomes "opp"
# - In 2P environments, if "agent_0" role is P1 and "agent_1" role is P2, then the player specific nesting levels observation (P1 - P2)
# are grouped under "agent_0" and "agent_1", and:
# - Under "agent_0", "P1" nesting level becomes "own" and "P2" becomes "opp"
# - Under "agent_1", "P1" nesting level becomes "opp" and "P2" becomes "own"
wrappers_settings.role_relative = True
# Flattening observation dictionary and filtering
# a sub-set of the RAM states
wrappers_settings.flatten = True
wrappers_settings.filter_keys = ["stage", "timer", "action", "own_side", "opp_side",
"own_health", "opp_health", "opp_character"]
env = diambra.arena.make("doapp", settings, wrappers_settings, render_mode="human")
observation, info = env.reset(seed=42)
while True:
actions = env.action_space.sample()
print("Actions: {}".format(actions))
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(actions)
done = terminated or truncated
print("Reward: {}".format(reward))
print("Done: {}".format(done))
print("Info: {}".format(info))
if done:
observation, info = env.reset()
# Return success
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':