Single Player Environment

This example focuses on:

  • Basic environment usage (Standard RL, Single Player Mode)
  • Environment settings configuration
  • Algorithm - Environment interaction loop
  • Gym observation visualization

A dedicated section describing environment settings is presented here, while more info on gym observation visualization utils are presented here. They both provide additional details on usage and purpose.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import diambra.arena

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Settings
    settings = {}

    # Player side selection: P1 (left), P2 (right), Random (50% P1, 50% P2)
    settings["player"] = "P2"

    # Number of steps performed by the game
    # for every environment step, bounds: [1, 6]
    settings["step_ratio"] = 6

    # Native frame resize operation
    settings["frame_shape"] = (128, 128, 0)  # RBG with 128x128 size
    # settings["frame_shape"] = (0, 0, 1) # Grayscale with original size
    # settings["frame_shape"] = (0, 0, 0) # Deactivated (Original size RBG)

    # Game continue logic (0.0 by default):
    # - [0.0, 1.0]: probability of continuing game at game over
    # - int((-inf, -1.0]): number of continues at game over
    #                      before episode to be considered done
    settings["continue_game"] = 0.0

    # If to show game final when game is completed
    settings["show_final"] = False

    # If to use hardcore mode in which observations are only made of game frame
    settings["hardcore"] = False

    # Game-specific options (see documentation for details)
    # Game difficulty level
    settings["difficulty"] = 4

    # Character to be used, automatically extended with "Random" for games
    # required to select more than one character (e.g. Tekken Tag Tournament)
    settings["characters"] = "Random"

    # Character outfit
    settings["char_outfits"] = 2

    # If to use discrete or multi_discrete action space
    settings["action_space"] = "multi_discrete"

    # If to use attack buttons combinations actions
    settings["attack_but_combination"] = True

    env = diambra.arena.make("doapp", settings)

    observation = env.reset()

    while True:

        actions = env.action_space.sample()
        print("Actions: {}".format(actions))

        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(actions)
        print("Reward: {}".format(reward))
        print("Done: {}".format(done))
        print("Info: {}".format(info))

        if done:
            observation = env.reset()
