Wrappers Options

This example focuses on:

  • Wrappers settings configuration
  • Wrapped observation visualization

A dedicated section describing environment wrappers settings is presented here, while more info on wrapped observation visualization utils are presented here. They both provide additional details on usage and purpose.

import diambra.arena

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Gym wrappers settings
    wrappers_settings = {}

    # Number of no-Op actions to be executed
    # at the beginning of the episode (0 by default)
    wrappers_settings["no_op_max"] = 0

    # Number of steps for which the same action should be sent (1 by default)
    wrappers_settings["sticky_actions"] = 1

    # Frame resize operation spec (deactivated by default)
    # WARNING: for speedup, avoid frame warping wrappers,
    #          use environment's native frame wrapping through
    #          "frame_shape" setting (see documentation for details).
    wrappers_settings["hwc_obs_resize"] = (128, 128, 1)

    # Wrapper option for reward normalization
    # When activated, the reward normalization factor can be set (default = 0.5)
    # The normalization is performed by dividing the reward value
    # by the product of the factor times the value of the full health bar
    # reward = reward / (C * fullHealthBarValue)
    wrappers_settings["reward_normalization"] = True
    wrappers_settings["reward_normalization_factor"] = 0.5

    # If to clip rewards (False by default)
    wrappers_settings["clip_rewards"] = False

    # Number of frames to be stacked together (1 by default)
    wrappers_settings["frame_stack"] = 4

    # Frames interval when stacking (1 by default)
    wrappers_settings["dilation"] = 1

    # How many past actions to stack together (1 by default)
    wrappers_settings["actions_stack"] = 12

    # If to scale observation numerical values (deactivated by default)
    # optionally exclude images from normalization (deactivated by default)
    # and optionally perform one-hot encoding also on discrete binary variables (deactivated by default)
    wrappers_settings["scale"] = True
    wrappers_settings["exclude_image_scaling"] = True
    wrappers_settings["process_discrete_binary"] = True

    # Scaling interval (0 = [0.0, 1.0], 1 = [-1.0, 1.0])
    wrappers_settings["scale_mod"] = 0

    # Flattening observation dictionary and filtering
    # a sub-set of the RAM states
    wrappers_settings["flatten"] = True
    wrappers_settings["filter_keys"] = ["stage", "P1_ownSide", "P1_oppSide",
                                        "P1_ownHealth", "P1_oppChar",
                                        "P1_actions_move", "P1_actions_attack"]

    env = diambra.arena.make("doapp", {}, wrappers_settings)

    observation = env.reset()

    while True:

        actions = env.action_space.sample()
        print("Actions: {}".format(actions))

        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(actions)
        print("Reward: {}".format(reward))
        print("Done: {}".format(done))
        print("Info: {}".format(info))

        if done:
            observation = env.reset()
