Imitation Learning


With the goal of easing the usage of Imitation Learning, DIAMBRA Arena comes with two, easy-to-use, useful features: an environment wrapper allowing to record agent experience (to be used, for example, to save human expert demonstrations), and a loader class allowing to flawlessly serve stored trajectories.

Experience Recording Wrapper

In order to activate the experience recording wrapper, one has just to add an additional kwargs dictionary, here named traj_rec_settings, to the environment creation method, as shown in the next code block. The dictionary has to be populated as described below.

env = diambra.arena.make("doapp", settings, wrappers_settings, traj_rec_settings)

Implementation examples and templates can be found in the code repository, here.

Use of this functionality can be found in this example.

KeyTypeDefault Value(s)Value RangeDescription
usernamestr--Provides an identifier to be associated with the recorded trajectory
file_pathstr--Specifies the path where to save recorded experiences
ignore_p2int-[0, 1]Specifies if to ignore P2 experience. Useful for example when recording expert demonstrations of a human player (P1) who is playing against an RL agent (P2)
trajRecSettings["username"] = "user"
trajRecSettings["file_path"] = "/home/user/DIAMBRA/"
trajRecSettings["ignore_p2"] = 0

In order to use this wrapper, the Flattening and Filtering wrapper must be disabled.

Recorded Experience Loader

DIAMBRA Arena provides a dedicated class to load and use recorded trajectories for training. It needs the settings described in the following table in the form of a kwargs python dictionary. It also supports parallel environment executions, providing interfaces to easily integrate it with third party libraries.

Use of this functionality can be found in this example.

KeyTypeDefault Value(s)Value RangeDescription
traj_files_liststr--Contains the list of recorded experience files, specified as absolute paths
total_cpusint1[1, inf)Specifies the number of parallel environments one wants to run at the same time
rankint0[0, settings[“total_cpus”]-1]Assigns a rank number to the environment to identify the instance number when using parallel environments
settings["traj_files_list"] = recorded_trajectories_files
settings["total_cpus"] = 1
settings["rank"] = 0

Once settings dictionary has been properly setup, the environment is created as shown in the next code block:

env = diambra.arena.ImitationLearning(**settings)

The interaction with the environment follows the usual methods and conventions, except for the fact that actions in the step method are obviously ignored and the recorded ones are used.